Today’s Current FROST Conditions:
Week of 3/2 – 3/9 – OPEN, No Delays expected
Course Status: Normal Play
Estimated Starting Time: Sunrise
(Starting times are only an estimate. The course will open when conditions allow)
No Expected or Potential Frost Delays
(Based on 7-day forecast done on 2/16. Start Times are estimates and are subject to change, check the top of the page for the most updated start time.)
How to know if there is a frost delay and how should I prepare?
We are experiencing some truly fantastic fall golfing weather here at Riverbend Golf Course and certainly have no cause for complaint! But as temperatures start to drop for the year, golfers often run into issues with frost on the golf course. Frost delays can be extremely frustrating for golfers (and maintenance staff!). But a short delay while the frost melts can preserve the quality of the greens and prevent damage to turf. And without good turf, we don’t have good golf.
We know no one wants to show up at the course only to learn that they must wait two hours to play, so here are some things you should know about frost that can help.
Please read the following as Riverbend Golf Course is hoping to answer questions and expedite frost delays in a respectful and efficient manner for the fall and winter months for a better overall golf experience.
How do I know if there is a frost delay?
There are several ways to find out if there is a frost delay:
Download our Mobile App AND opt in for text alerts for “Course Conditions Updates”.
Over 5k people have downloaded our app and get important alerts about course conditions, league information, events, and special deals. You should too. We promise we won’t spam you. (Having problems? Stop by, we can help you.)
- Check our website for presumptive starting times for the day of the week.
- Call the golf shop at 253.854.3673 – press 2
- Starting, Friday, November 22nd our tee sheet will be adjusted based upon the 7-10 day forecast and cold temperatures that are common for delays. i.e. first tee time could potentially be 10:00-12:00PM based on the forecast, furthermore, tee times will only be available 1 week in advance through the Fall and Winter months, both online and over the phone.
What is frost and why does it matter?
- Frost is frozen dew that crystalizes on the grass, making it hard and brittle to touch.
- Walking or driving over frost-covered grass causes the plant to break and may rupture plant cells. When the membrane is broken it cannot be put back together, much like an egg, and it becomes more susceptible to disease and weeds.
- One foursome can leave several hundred footprints on each green, causing extensive damage.
- Dead turf makes our superintendent and golfers very unhappy.
What do you mean by Frost Delay?
A delay could mean 15 minutes or 3 hours and varies day by day. No signs of frost on the first tee? That doesn’t mean you will get the “all clear” signal. If frost remains in areas that are unavoidable early in the round, the course must remain closed. It is also important to remember our crew cannot attend to that course maintenance while the ground and grass are frozen, so once the frost is clear, the maintenance staff will need time to catch up on course preparations before play can begin. Please know we are doing everything we can to get golfers on the first tee as quickly as possible.
But there is no frost at my house?
Many of us have looked out our windows at home and seen no signs of frost, only to find a frost delay when we reach the golf course. Even on the course itself, some greens are more susceptible to frost than others. If you are worried about a potential frost delay it is best to check our website at or call the golf shop to check on conditions at the course before leaving home.
We hope you have a better understanding of frost and come out to play Riverbend Golf Course, knowing we are continually monitoring the conditions to ensure our turf is in the best condition possible.
Additional info on Frost Delays from the USGA –